Version Updates

We strive to provide the best possible product and are constantly well, –  evolving – with changes in technology. When eVoucher updates (as they often do), we have to update. When Apple or Microsoft update, we do too. 

Here’s our latest version updates: 

3.0 – 3.2.0June & July 2024

All new application, new user interface, with built-in help menus in the application

  • It’s faster. Whether you are running on Mac or Windows, the new version was built specifically for your OS.
  • It’s easier to use. We made careful improvements to user experience and, like tax software, there are checks to make sure slips are in good shape before uploading to eVoucher.
  • It’s more robust. When communicating with eVoucher, especially during upload, evolveVoucher 3 specifically handles more of the wrinkles that eVoucher introduces to minimize errors & maximize time savings.
  • It’s more secure. The new Secure Browser improves the isolation of billing data and personal information.
  • Payments have been improved to protect card data and support 3D security.
  • All app data is encrypted.
  • It’s easier to get help. Data export guides are provided right in the app.
  • Better Technical support. New diagnostic mode allows you to send helpful information to us so that issues can be resolved faster.
  • It’s easier to set up. The new Welcome experience ensures your app is set up correctly and quickly.
  • It supports (as best it can!)
  • New ability to upload slips to an existing voucher (also the ability to duplicate slips, use caution)

Unnumbered– 17 December 2022

  • Change in cloud host to increase security and data handling. Note, users will need to re-match their codes to eVoucher within the app.

2.0.4 – 21 May 2021

  • Addition of directions to set your default court in the Single Login Profile to avoid error in interface with eVoucher.

2.0.3 – 11 April 2021

  • Changes to handling of default district court to adapt to  eVoucher 6.4’s new Single Login Profile

2.0.1 – 28 February 2021

  • Additional updates to ensure compatibility with eVoucher 6.4’s new Single Login Profile

2.0.0 – 23 February 2021

  • Fully compatible with new eVoucher updates including a Single Login Profile
  • Completely compatible and integrated with eVoucher 6.4
  • Updated excel spreadsheet upload system for those who don’t use one of our supported software programs (including Billings Pro, Timeslips, Clio, and Timesolv).
  • Consolidated backend resources for a faster user experience

1.9.1 – December, 2020

  • Updates to integration with Stripe, our secure, third-party credit card processor
  • Added support for billing to federal appellate courts
  • Fix for some user’s experience showing “court list not appearing”
  • Removing outdated graphic elements
  • Corrected a spelling mistake and improper use of grammar
  • Works with new billing system to reflect 100% CJA Panel Attorney Ownership, removing prior tech firm.

1.0 Beta – January 2019

  • Initially released with support only for Billings Pro and Clio, two of the most popular law firm practice management software, our beta version included support for district courts only.