Download evolveVoucher for FREE and get two voucher credits to try it out!
Free Trial
Download evolveVoucher and register to get TWO FREE voucher credits to try the software for yourself.
*limit one trial per law firm please
After you use your free credits, each voucher credit is $20.00, regardless of how many slips you upload. You pay via credit card directly in the application.
No auto-renewals or monthly charges. Pay only for what you use.
Join your CJA colleagues who are already saving time, money, and hours of frustration...
Excellent, time-saving service
I cannot thank evolveVoucher enough for putting out an excellent, time-saving service. I finished a complex federal trial, with hundreds of time entries. Without evolveVoucher, this would have easily taken numerous hours of processing and duplication from my firm software into the CJA system. Thanks to evolveVoucher, it was completed in a matter of minutes. Thank you!
evolveVoucher is excellent at what it does
evolveVoucher is excellent at what it does, which is fully automating the CJA-voucher time-input process, reducing what used to often be a full-evening, mind-numbingly dull task that I personally found introduced more errors that it caught, into a process that takes on average probably 5-10 minutes. If you value your time at all, it’s well worth the $20.
EvolveVoucher simplifies the whole process
EvolveVoucher is a lifesaver! I dreaded doing my quarterly vouchers before discovering evolveVoucher. EvolveVouchee simplifies the whole process. I input all activities and hours directly into the evolveVoucher spreadsheet you provide at the end of each day (or within a few days). Then when it's time for voucher filing, all I have to do is double-check my work, add in any work that I might have missed (usually emails), then upload using the evolveVoucher application. It saves an incredible amount of time. I can then just focus on my billing justifications, and poof I’m done.
So thank you for this. $20 a voucher is so worth the time and effort and frustration and dread that is saved.