
evolveVoucher is a desktop application that runs locally on your computer.

Now compatible with


  1. Download the software
  2. Enter your email address
  3. Follow the step-by-step onboarding to set your primary district and appellate courts.
  4. Easily upload your first bill and have more time for the things you choose to spend your time on

Note: Because we are hostage to, there are times your login will not allow you to upload vouchers. Quit evolveVoucher and go back in. The same thing happens when you login to through a web browser, we’re hopeful they will fix the problem.


EvolveVoucher 3 is an entirely new application from the ground up & therefore includes major changes across all aspects of the application. For this reason, we need a clean install to ensure functionality.

  1. Delete all existing versions of evolveVoucher on your system.
  2. Empty your computer trash
  3. Restart your computer
  4. Download & install the new version.
  5. Resume saving time!

Note: Because we are hostage to, there are times your login will not allow you to upload vouchers. Quit evolveVoucher and go back in. The same thing happens when you login to through a web browser, we’re hopeful they will fix the problem.


Current Version: 3.2.0*
Requirements: Windows 7 and later

*some users (primarily those with only one eVoucher account ie only one district court)  are experiencing issues with the latest Windows update post-Cloudstrike & we are working on a fix.


Current Version: 3.2.0
Requirements: macOS 10.10 (Yosemite) and later (is working with Big Sur).


Current Version: 3.2.0

[tvo_shortcode id=232]

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